Ek Onkar Satnam
Karta Purukh Nirbhau Nirvair
Akal Murat Ajuni Saibhang Gurprasad
Japu Aad Sach Jugaad  Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach 

There is One Creator of this seamless endless universe; the fabric of space & time; its   myriad inhabitants, earth, water, fire, air and the elements of chemistry; the sun, moon and the stars. The Purusha, the Creator fears no one, has no enemies, is eternal, unborn, unchangeable and self effulgent. He is realised by the divine grace of the True Guru.   Guiding the mind to meditate & chant  the holy name of the Lord, this verse hails  the timeless existence of the True One. The Primeval Supreme Lord is the only truth to be sought in this evanescent material world.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji


Soche Soch Na Hovai Je Sochi Lakh Vaar
Chupe Chup Na Hovai Je Laa-ay Raha Liv Taar
Bhukhia Bhukh Na Utrai Je Banna Puria Bhaar
Sahas Sianpa Lakh Hohi Ta Ik Na Chale Naal
Kiv Sachiara Hoiai Kiv Kurai Tute Paal
Hukam Rajaai Chalna Nanak Likhiya Naal

Guru Nanak Devji preaches that total surrender to the Supreme Lord is the only way to quieten the mind. Illusory energy (Maya) puts it in a state of strong vibratory motion predisposing it to thoughts which give rise to greed, lies and deceit. Desires of the mind are endless; its lust for material manifestations ceaseless. This motion invokes intellectual thoughts also, giving rise to ego. Meditation and silence alone cannot stop its incessant chattering. Only by the grace of the True One can the mind be brought to a state of absolute serenity as it takes refuge in the Supreme Soul.


Hukumi Hovan Aakar Hukum Na Kahiya Jai 
Hukumi Hovan Jeev Hukum Mile Vadiyai
Hukumi Uttam Neech Hukum Likhe Dukh Sukh Paiyeh
Ikna Hukumi Bakhsheesh Ik Hukumi Sada Bhuvaiyeh
Hukme Andar Sab Ko Bahar Hukum Na Koi
Nanak Hukume Je Bujhe Te Haume Kahe Na Koi

It is by His unfathomable will that consciousness takes forms in the shapes of humans, animals, plants, oceans, planets, stars and the like.  Souls are His creation and through His command glory is ordained.  Happiness and unhappiness, highs and lows of life are written in His command. Fortunate few are blessed and delivered from the cycle of birth and death while others  wander from one life to another aimlessly. Everyone works under His command and no one goes beyond. The Guru explains that the surrendered soul who understands this has no ego left.


Gavaai Ko Taan Hovai Kisai Taan Gaavai Ko Daat Jaanai Neesaan
Gaavai Ko Gun Vadaaiyavichar Gaavai Ko Vidiaavikham Vichar
Gaavai Ko Saaj Karay Tan Khayh Gavaai Ko Jee- a Lai Fir Dayh
Gaavai Ko Jaapai Disai Door Gaavai Ko Vaykhai Haadraa Hadoor
Kathnaa Kathee Na Aavai Tot Kath Kath Kathee Kotee Kot Kot
Daydaa Day Laiday Thak Paahi Jugaa Jugantar Khaahi Khaahi
Hukmee Hukam Chalaa-ay Raahu Nanak Vigsai Vayparvaahu

We mortals praise the Lord with our limited understanding. Some sing of His power, the power that knows itself. Some are able to fathom the signs He reveals to His chosen devotees. Some glorify His virtues, His greatness and charm. Others by indulging in philosophical studies, sing of the knowledge which He has bestowed upon mankind to make life intelligible. Some believe He sculpts the body only to reduce it to dust; others claim He takes life away and then restores it. There are some who say He is so far away; yet there are others who think that He is close by, within reach. There are innumerable preachers giving sermons and singing of His limitless glories.  The mighty Lord keeps giving, even though the receivers get tired of receiving. Forever, throughout ages, mortals have taken from Him and yet He gives. The Commander leads us through the path by His will. Guru Nanak Devji says that the Lord is carefree, watching us and delighting in His creation.       


Saachaa Saahib Saach Naae Bhaakhiaa Bhao Apaar
Aakhehi Mangehi Dehi Dehi Daat Karey Daataar
Fayr Ke Agai Rakheeai Jit Disai Darbaar
Muhau Ke Bolan Boliai Jit Sun Dharey Piaar
Amrit Veylaa Sach Naao Vadiaai Veechaar
Karmi Aavai Kapra Nadri Mokh Duaar
Nanak Evai Jaaneeai Sabh Aapay Sachiaar

True is the Lord True is His name; He is worshiped lovingly by His true devotees. Ask and He shall give; His treasures are inexhaustible. What can we give Him in return to be blessed with a vision of His royal court in all its splendour. What words can gain His love; remembering His name and singing His praises in the ambrosial dawn may draw His attention. Due to some good deeds in the past birth the soul has obtained this robe of human form; the pathway to liberation. Guru Nanak Devji says that everything dwells in the True One.


Thaapia Na jaye Keeta Na Hoye Aape Aap Niranjan Soay
Jin Seviya Tin Paaiya Maan Nanak Gaaviye Gunee Nidhaan
Gaaviye Suniye Man Rakhiye Bhaao Dukh Parhar Sukh Ghar Lai Jaiye
Gurmukh Nadaa Gurmukh Vaydaa Gurmukh Rahiya Samaae
Gur Eesar Gur Gorakh Barmaa Gur Parbatee Maayee
Jay Hao Jaana Aakha Naahee Kahna Kathan Na Jaayee
Gura Ik Dayhi Bujhaai Sabhna Jeea Ka Ik Data So Mai Bisri Na Jai

The Lord cannot be created; He is unborn, eternal and unchanging. Honour comes to those who serve Him.  The Guru  urges the devotees to sing praises of His endless virtues. To sing and hear of the True One with love;  to be free from pain and bring happiness to the mind. The Guru’s word is Naada, the celestial melody which silences the inner noise of the mind; the Guru’s word is the wisdom of the Vedas, pervading all creation. The Guru himself is the Holy Trinity, Shiva- the destroyer, Vishnu-the provider and Brahma-the creator; the Guru is Parvati Mai- wife of God Shiva. It may be possible to know the Lord, but impossible to describe Him. The Guru has taught one lesson that the Lord, the provider of the bounty of this life, should never be forgotten.



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