The name itself can send a shiver down the spine. Lions, Tigers,  leopards and the like have always failed to fascinate me. I remember my visit to the Kolkota zoo ages ago where one roar from the so called majestic big cat, Lion,  had me scurrying away. 

An interesting bit of news, however, has made me rethink. I learnt recently the there is but one Zoo in the world which lets humans cuddle its inmates, be it the Lion, Tigers, Grizzly  Bears, to name a few.

A little search revealed that this Zoo, called Lujan zoo, is at almost 2 hour distance from Buenos Aires & can be reached by bus from Plaza Italia. The zoo has an amazing collection of animals {besides the big cat} and birds like, Puma, Llama, Deer, Ostrich, Elephant, Camel, Seal, Duck, Peacock, Geese and even Monkey. 

Visitors are allowed to enter the cage, cuddle, stroke and pet these friendly creatures, albeit in the presence of a guide. It is said that the animals are trained to interact with humans right from birth. The cubs, for instance, are raised in the company of dogs so that they learn to befriend people. The basic tenet being followed there is that the animal does not have to compete for food. Resultantly, it does not show aggressive behavior. 

The visitors wanting to enter the cages of the big cat are instructed not to alarm the beasts. People have written interesting accounts of stroking the fur of Lion or feeding the Grizzly. While kids are not allowed to enter the cage of the full grown Lion, they can venture in the cages of kittens and interact with Geese, Peacocks and Ducks. 

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