It can be  devastating for Coffee lovers if their favourite drink suddenly were to vanish from the store shelves. But this may truly happen in the near future. New Scientist has recently reported that one of the adverse impacts of climate change is the threat it imposes on the Coffee bean yielding trees. 

Climate change refers to statistical variations in properties of climate system such as changes in global temperature, precipitation, etc. due to natural or man-made forces over a long period of time.  Rise in temperature and extreme weather conditions can impact agricultural growth. It is reported that tropics will see higher temperature with erratic rains besides El Nino and La Nina events.  

Tropical climates are most suitable for Coffee plantations. It is said that maximum yield is achieved at temperatures between 18 to 21 degrees centigrade. The plant needs dry weather for budding followed by rain to flower. Rise in temperature and/or excessive rain results in reduced output and poor quality beans. As a fallout of low productivity and consequent reduced supply, the price of Coffee has soared.  It is a serious cause of worry for the farmers whose livelihood depends upon this crop, if the trend continues. 

World Coffee Research, a conglomerate of research institutions funded by the Coffee industry, working with an objective of collaborative research and development for growth, protection and increasing the supplies of good quality coffee,  is searching for diverse varieties of Coffee for getting a hold on the situation. Check out the link at



  1. Concisely stated and eloquent. Solid points and well-written.

    1. Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment


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