My experiment with dumbbells: Part 1

The effort to reduce weight and get back in shape is not an easy one. The present series of posts describe the funny situations and hard work I had to face when I decided to undergo training in a local gym to loose weight, burn fat and tone my physique.

I had always been an A-grader in studies since times immemorial. But, when I caught a glimpse of the dreaded 'A shape' peering out of the full length mirror in my room, I was horrified. 

A-grader turning into A-shape

I had never possessed the hallowed 'V shape', but was never so out of shape as to resemble the letter 'A'. Anyways being a man of action I decided to take matter into my own hands.

I quickly sought the help of world wide web and made a list of A-grade gyms close to my area of residence, which is in south Delhi (by the way). Not being arrogant or anything, but it is in South Delhi (Woo hoo)
Yes!!!! I am from South of Delhi

Anyways, the ball had been started rolling, and I started calling and inquiring about the detailed packages available at the various gyms. Many phone calls and few visits later, I had selected my temple of fitness. The place where I will transform from a weakling to the Adonis.

I paid my dues and enrolled for a period of one month, initially, to test the waters. On the D-day I rose early and changed into a newly acquired gym gear specially purchased to begin my journey from FAT to FIT. 

I  reached the gym sharp at 6.00 am in the morning and entered the premises. Even at such an unearthly time the gym was teeming with young and old, men and women, boys and girls. The number of machines, dumbbells, kettle bells, treadmills, cross trainers crammed in the air conditioned facility was mind boggling. 

My head was swimming trying to absorb the sight of this sea of people, all huffing and puffing, with rippling biceps and swollen triceps. 


I should have looked back. Because if I had I would have seen that a stupid portly kid had bent down to tie his shoe laces right behind me. A huge ripped gentleman passed by me and I stepped back to give him room. I toppled over the stupid kid and landed in a heap in the middle of the gym. I was helped over with suppressed giggles by a few boys and got up all red faced and angry at the stupid kid.

Are you OK? asked a man who resembled Arnold Schwarzenegger

Yes I am

Good!!! remarked the Hulk

Little did I know there was more to come and I wont be OK for long

.......continued in My experiment with dumbbells: Part 2

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