My experiment with dumbbells: Part 2

Me working out

The hulk went by the name of John and turned out to be the one who was to train me in the intricacies of working out.

He pulled out a form for me to fill.

Heck I had to fill a long form as if I was filling an application for some job. 

Father's name
Eating habits

Short of my Aadhaar number they wanted to know all and sundry about me.

After carefully examining my filled up form, John informed me that I was not in shape and my eating habits were to be blamed partly, as also my lack of working out.

Oh! God! What a dimwit. He did not have to make me fill this huge form to know that I was not in shape. I was in the gym for precisely that reason in the first place.

Of course I did not tell John that I thought that he was a big buffoon.  

The buffoon informed me that he would chalk out a workout and diet chart for me, and that I should go back and return the next day to begin my program at the gym. In the meantime the buffoon instructed  that I did not have to lead a lethargic life and should make a habit of taking walks in the morning or evening as and when I could.

Oh I most definitely would; Me

Will you?: Buffoon

Why wont I?: Me

Whatever: Buffoon

With that strange dialogue I trotted out of the gym and into my Swift car. I drove recklessly back to my home dreading at what the future held for me. I was so disoriented with the happenings that I drove at break neck speed and blurted the horn of the car at surprised and irritated fellow motorists. Those who live in Delhi know that such rash motorists as myself are recipients of few choicest words from the fellow motorists. Having lived my whole life in Delhi I have developed a certain indifference to these disparaging slanders. In no time I reached back to my home, full of anticipation and excitement to start my fitness journey.

When I was almost half asleep did I remember the sarcastic remark of the buffoon

Will you?

Oh darn!

Maybe I could go for a walk in the morning

To be continued ...........................

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