My experiment with dumbbells: Part 3

Read previous post My experiment with dumbbells: Part 2

The workout begins
The next morning was pleasant with a slight drizzle. I had gotten up early and was already driving to the gym by around 6.15 am. If he asks I would tell the buffoon that I had walked for 30 minutes in the morning and he would be none the wiser.

I entered the gym at around 6.30 a.m. and was greeted by the buffoon.

"Good morning" he barked

"Good morning"  I retorted

"So lets get started" he commanded

The buffoon began his lecture

"Before beginning any workout, you have to warm up your body. Generally, it is better to do dynamic warm up instead of static stretches. So today we will jog slowly on the treadmill, to get the blood pumping".  

He pressed some numbers on the treadmill and instructed me to jog over the slowly moving platform. I began jogging like a tired elephant. Within five minutes I was huffing and puffing like an old gorilla. It seemed an eternity before he commanded me to stop and come down from the treadmill. I stepped down from the treadmill and felt my head lightly swimming as I descended upon the stationary mother earth. Soon the feeling passed away and I regained my composure. 

"Five minutes of stationary bicycle comes next" he snapped

Like someone under a hypnotic spell I obeyed his command and started peddling the bicycle. Feeling more and more light headed I shook my head like a raging bull.

"Are you ok?" Buffoon was sympathetic

"Oh I am fine" I replied

He started rotating his arms from front to back. I was puzzled at his antics. It took me five seconds to realize that I had to mimic his movements. This was a part of my warm up. After around five minutes of these crazy movements I was informed that our upper body and shoulders are properly warmed up. The warm up was complete.
Having completed my warm up I suddenly felt on the top of the world. 

Now came the part where I had to do strength training.


I was ordered to select a pair of suitable weight dumbbells and do Farmer's Walk with it. Essentially it involves holding dumbbells to your side and walking around. This would apparently increase my core strength. I carefully stalked the rack filled with various sized dumbbells and extracted a pair of pink coloured PVC dumbbells weighing around 1 kg each.

"Oh Come on" Buffoon was angry.

"These are for kids"

He paraded around the dumbbell rack and took out two 10 kg monsters and proceeded to hand them over to me for undertaking my first strength training exercise. I held the giant iron monsters by my sides and started walking around the gym. I was instructed to walk for 1 minute followed by 30 seconds of rest and repeat this cycle five times. The gravitational force of the earth was tugging down on the dumbbells and my shoulder sockets were bearing the full force.

After the first cycle I put the dumbbells down and could not feel my arms, hands or shoulders. Everything seemed frozen......

Like a zombie I completed the remaining four cycles

At the end I did the cool down which consisted of static stretches like Child's pose, pigeon's pose, upward dog, downward dog. A thought crossed my mind. Could I not learn these from a dog, pigeon and child, respectively.  

Day 1 was over .......

"This is just the beginning" : buffoon reminded me

"Your body is being prepared"

"We will increase the complexity of the exercises"

I felt completely drained of energy. I could only see the mouth of the simian moving. The words barely registered. My brain and trunk seemed paralyzed. Slowly I trudged out of the gym, into my Maruti Swift and back to my home. 

Feeling like a corpse, I jumped into my comfortable bed and slept the remaining part of the morning like a dead log.

To be continued ..........................



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