''WAND OF HEAVEN'' - ALOE VERA GEL- 5 HEALTH BENEFITS

Aloe Vera plant is easily recognisable with its green coloured stemless (or short stemmed) pointed, fleshy, serrated and thick leaves. Known as "Wand of Heaven" to native Americans and "Plant of Immortality" to Egyptians, Aloe Vera has amazing healing properties.

                                                                                                                  Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/aloe-vera-spines-healing-foliage-2623317/

         Did you know that each leaf of the plant is comprised of 3 layers. The inner one which is a clear gel contains 99% water and the remaining of Glucomannans ie, water soluble Polysaccharides, Amino acids, Lipids,Vitamins, etc. The middle layer of latex is a yellow sap containing Athraquinones and Glycosides. The outer thick layer of 15-20 cells called rind  offer a protective covering to the inner part of the leaf and also synthesises Carbohydrates and Proteins.

       Remember that the plant contains a number of potentially active constituents including Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Amino Acids, Hormones, Sugars, Steroids, etc.

       Health benefits of topical application of Aloe Vera gel can be categorised as under:

Healing:  Aloe Vera gel can be used to treat minor cuts, wounds and abrasions.

Antiseptic: Said to contain many antiseptic agents, it is reported to have inhibitory effect on fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Anti Aging: Aloe Vera stimulates fibroblast which produces collagen and elastin fibres making the skin more elastic and reduces wrinkles. It also has an anti acne effect.

Protection from Radiation: It is reported to have a protective effect against radiation damage to the skin.

Moisturising:   The thick Gel of Aloe Vera is known to fight flaky and dry skin problems keeping it moisturised.

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