Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is one of the most debilitating issues plaguing the modern society due to excessive sitting and incorrect posture. People sit in a stationary position for hours with eyes glued to the gadgets like computer screens, television sets and mobile phones. Result of the above is postural alignment problems, joint pain and even stress.

The Zen Swing is a chi (life force) cultivating exercise which relaxes the body, reduces joint pains and energizes the mind and spirit. 

As the leading longevity expert Troy Casey says "It calms the monkey mind and harmonizes the mind, heart and gut"

Benefits of Zen Swing:

1. Moves every joint in the human body

2. Moves cerebrospinal fluid

3. Moves the synovial fluid

4. Mobilizes the fascia, ligaments and tendons

Watch as Troy Casey performs the Zen swing. Incorporate it into your daily life and feel a tremendous change. 

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