An abstract thought

Colossal  this life is. All pervading universe with Its multidimensional hues. Space, time,  stars,  galaxies & planets.

A miniscule beginning with the big-bang singularity. Transformation of energy into animate & inanimate  geometric patterns.

Supernova explosions synthesising elements.  Fluctuating quantum fields, higgs boson giving mass to matter- atoms in a pool of treacle.

Motion, the very root of existence. Earth,  feeding on the energy of the Sun. Snow clad mountains, valleys, rivers & sky.  Rainbow,  a myriad   spectrum of colours.

Evolution, the miracle that man is. Growing from a diploid zygote to a full fledged human, breathing, pulsating, thinking.... 

Sheer beating of the heart tirelessly day & night.  Nations, cultures, wildlife, foliage all woven in a common thread of consciousness.

The beads of eternity frozen in time ....................... 

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